Simplify Caring, Tiny, Online Office, Organize your Team


Organize your contacts here.

We have pre-made Contacts categories: Financial, Legal and Medical. The dashboard view and contacts page view will always indicate how many contacts you have in total and per category. 

Click anywhere in the Contacts panel to open the Contacts page.

Contacts Page
Edit, Delete

Find the Contacts page by selecting Contacts at the page-top main menu or select it by clicking in the Contacts box.

To Find a Contact:
 > use the search box

To Add a Contact: 
 > select at page top right. Or the ‘Add Contact’ button, bottom right.
 > fill in as much info as you want about the Contact and ‘Save’. 

To Learn More about a Particular Contact:
 > click on the Contact in the alphatetical list
 > select  at the bottom of the screen
 > see Contact info, last saved date, who saved it last. 


To  Edit the Contact Info:
 > use the Edit button, bottom/right of your screen

To Delete the Contact:
 > select the ‘Delete’ garbage can icon at page bottom
 > You’ll be asked if you’re really, really sure before you Delete it for good.